New Frontiers and Tools in Climate Change Adaptation

On 28 March 2025 the 17th meeting of the BDCD will focus on climate change adaptation and the role of civil - military cooperation. How prepared are EU, NATO and other countries to address rapidly growing climate risks?

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Response Diversity seminar focuses on Strategic Crisis Management in an Era of unprecedented Turbulence at the Planetary Level

Brussels – 24 November 2023 – Participants at the 16th meeting of the BDCD discussed how the European Union and its member states could develop proactive measures to deal with multiple and interacting crises, and how the concept of response diversity could be interpreted and implemented in European policy.

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Brussels, 3 June 2022 - The aim of the 15th meeting of the BDCD - ahead of the NATO summit, Madrid, 29-30 June - was to brief participants on NATO’s next Strategic Concept and with respect to addressing the security impacts of climate change in particular. Presentations also included an update on the planning for the new NATO Centre of Excellence on Climate and Security and on the NATO SPS-project “Big Earth Datacube Analytics for Transnational Security and Environment Protection - DataCube4Env Sec".

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The Climate and Biodiversity Nexus: Interdependent Challenges and Responses

Brussels, 28 March 2022 - The Climate and Biodiversity Nexus was the focus of the 14th meeting of the Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy (BDCD) held on 28 March 2022. The aim of the meeting co-organised by EDRC and GLOBE-EU was to provide participants with insight into the inter-linkages between climate change and biodiversity loss – both in terms of the interconnected challenges and the need to address the two threats to environmental and human security together in a more coordinated way. [Photo: by micropixel, PhotoDune Regular License via envatomarket]

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Sustainable Peace & Security in a Changing Climate: Recommendations for NATO 2030

Brussels, 30 April 2021 - The final report by the North-Atlantic Civil-Society Working-Group on Environment and Security (NCWES) contains 116 policy options and practical recommendations concerning climate change and security and other related environment and security issues.

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Bringing Light into the Dark – Climate Change and its Implications for Security

Ottawa, 6 February 2021 - As one of the first to be interviewed, in the podcast episode "In the Shadows – What is climate security," by Rebecca Henrys, EDRC's policy director and co-coordinator of the Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy (BDCD), Alexander Verbeek examined the security implication of climate change. "In the Shadows" facilitates discussions with experts on national security and intelligence topics related to current affairs.

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Climate Security requires involving all Sectors

The US Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) recently published a podcast episode on "Climate Security: Bringing Climate into all Sectors” as part of the Theories of Change program, featuring EDRC's policy director and co-coordinator of the Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy (BDCD), Alexander Verbeek.

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The Hague, 26 January 2021 - Held on January 25th and 26th, 2021, the Climate Adaptation Summit of 2021 brought together global leaders, civil society, youth advocates, and regional as well as local stakeholders and included the launch of a comprehensive Adaptation Action Agenda, setting out clear commitments to deliver concrete new endeavours and partnerships to make our world more resilient to the effects of climate change.

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EU Council adopts conclusions on climate and energy diplomacy

Brussels, 25 January 2021 - The Council today adopted conclusions on ʻClimate and Energy Diplomacy - Delivering on the external dimension of the European Green Dealʼ.

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NATO meets with Civil Society on Climate Change and Security

Brussels, 17 September 2020 - In the context of NATO 2030 launched by the NATO Secretary General on 8 June 2020, NATO has begun to organise a series of thematic events to engage more in-depth with civil society, advocacy and expert groups to further improve NATO’s responsiveness and openness to outside views and expertise.

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Climate and security: A clear priority for Belgium

Brussels, 23 June 2020 - Climate disruption plays an undeniable role in various conflict situations. As such, Belgium wants the United Nations to systematically take into account the potential impact of a changing climate in its security actions.

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EU Council renews the EU’s commitment to place climate action at the centre of external policy

Brussels, 20 January 2020: Foreign ministers today discussed climate diplomacy and restated the political centrality of climate action for the European Union. Following the discussion, the Council adopted conclusions on climate diplomacy. This is a clear sign that in 2020 climate will be one of the priorities in the EU's external policy.

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