Addressing conflicts around the EU Green Deal

28 January 2025 - The European Union’s (EU) Green Deal is a crucial response to the escalating climate breakdown and environmental degradation crisis, but it must be implemented with a conflict-sensitive approach to mitigate social tensions and ensure sustainable outcomes.

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Regional Assessment for South-Eastern Europe - Security implications of climate change

Joint report by the Organization for Security and Co-operation (OSCE) and the think tank adelphi engaging with the regional climate security challenges for South-Eastern Europe.

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Climate, Peace, and Human Rights: Are European policies coherent?

Review and recommendation report by the QCEA on the EU policies coherency for climate, peace, and human rights

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Programme of the Swedish OSCE Chairpersonship 2021

The Programme of the Swedish OSCE Chairpersonship 2021 aims to building resilient and more robust societies to counter threats to human security.

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Now or never: will Bulgaria catch the last train to green economic recovery?

The policy brief by the CSD assesses the current strategy of Bulgaria to address a green and digital transition, advising more decentralized investments in sustainable energy projects, to tackle both energy poverty and supply diversification.

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TurkStream and the Russian Economic Influence in Europe

In this policy brief, the Center for the Study of Democracy sheds light on how the TurkStream gas pipeline perpetuates the CEE dependence on Russian gas amid unnecessary infrastructure spending diverting scarce resources away from productive investments.

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Shaping Conflict Resolution Together -  EIP Strategic Plan 2020-2022

The plan by the European Institute of Peace (EIP) covers the strategy to support conflict-sensitive responses to the social, economic and political impact of Covid-19 upon societies affected by conflict.

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Scoping NATO’s Environmental Security Agenda

While the causal relationship between environmental change and conflict is difficult to establish, there have been arguably several conflicts where environmental change has acted as a trigger. ... NATO is not the first responder to climate change. This role is played by other international bodies, in particular those who can set limits on CO2 emissions. However, as the premier transatlantic security and de-fence organization, NATO would seem an appropriate forum for discussing the security implications of environmental change.

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Climate Change, Global Security, and the OSCE

In the OSCE, the discussion on climate change started at the same time as it did in the UN, and was referred to in a number of OSCE Ministerial Council Decisions and Declarations. Furthermore, the links between climate change and security were dis-cussed in various OSCE forums and addressed through dedicated projects, led by the Office of the Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) and implemented together with its international partners and the OSCE field operations. This contribution provides an overview of the potential security implications of climate change, the international debate on this topic, and the OSCE response.

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Lost in transition: Bulgaria and the European Green Deal

This policy brief analyses the main elements of the final version of the Bulgarian NECP and proposes targeted policy measures on how to better implement it over the next decade.

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Renewing Multilaterism for the 21st century

Renewing Multilateralism is a joint report, let by the FEPS, which regards the necessity for a new, fair, and inclusive multilateral approach to take upon current and future challenges.

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